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4 years of blogging | What I’ve Learned

I began this blog four years ago, on the 24th of December 2014

Can you believe it?

More accurately, I knew I wanted to be a successful blogger and maybe someday make a living from it. Honestly what pushed me into blogging was because I love to write. Four years ago, I’d write a poem or a short story or an article and send it to friends to read and most of them would be like “wow! Presh, I think you should own a blog”.
Well, At first I wasn’t sure about owning a blog, I was just used to the idea of writing for people on their pages but well, along the line I realised it’s actually better to own a blog and publish my articles.

As a young blogger in 2014, I really didn’t have much idea about blogging but having a large, engaged and loyal group of followers – that was my dream. And you know what? I’m getting there! Though I’ve been a little bit off and on here because of busy schedules but what matters is I keep going!

Today I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned from blogging this far.

1) Everyone’s got their own magic

You’ve got your own magic! Don’t compare and don’t copy. Just do you! just write it, do what you’re good at and aim for the top.
It’s so easy to get stucked into the competition surrounding blogging. Just be yourself

2) Be consistent

It can be really hard to maintain things sometimes but you’ve got to keep blogging and keep writing. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just create that time and do it. And never forget that people are watching. You’ve got your loyalty followers and readers. You can’t disappoint them.

3) Be Creative

Make your blog a place that shares useful information, meaningful content and unique posts. Don’t just do what everyone is doing. Do something outstanding. Besides, you also need to make it prestigious enough for others to want to contribute to it.

Over to you

These are some of the things I’ve learned over the years. What are your blogging lessons or secrets? Share in the comment section.?




I ended up writing this poem, realising that Nigeria has a lot to offer, if we remain as ONE and LOVE each other.


Nigeria my country
The land filled with milk and honey
The home of peace
A nation blessed with numerous resources and diverse cultures
A country with beautiful people
People of integrity
With great talents
A land of wonder
I call my country WONDER LAND
The different languages, gives a harmonic Rhythm,which sends down the rain.
The green land captures the heart of Foreigners to cultivate in it.
The land assures a bountiful harvest
My country is loved by all and cherished by my people
My home,my place of birth
Nigeria my father land