A letter to Mum


Your daily love describes how sweet you’re,it gives me strength were have been weakened

The feeling I get whenever I’m encouraged by you, takes me to another world of true vine

The words you say,speaks life into me and it waters my dried portions.

I pray for you daily,that I can never forget to do.

I searched around the world,and I couldn’t find another like you

You’re beautiful inside and out,your beauty can’t be compared on earth

Your ways have become my ways and your thoughts my thoughts

I told the angels above to guard you daily,to protect you every day of your life

And then I told God to give you many more years on earth because you still have your grand children and great grand children to tickle

I made a promise to you,that I will never disappoint you,that I was going to live a life you’re going to be proud of

I won’t let you down mum,I’m really going to make you proud. Even the devil can’t stop me.

I’m sure I have said this a thousand and one times but I’m never going to stop; I LOVE YOU

This is for you mum,the most important I’ll ever write.

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