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The Streets of London, June 2022- The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Regent street- đź“· Presh Olives

The first week of June was chosen for the Platinum Jubilee weekend.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee; 70 years on the throne.

A bit of a late post, but I had to post this. I went to Central London to take some pictures. The UK’s flags were raised high on the streets of London. Beautiful display

đź“· Presh Olives

The UK had a Jubilee bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2 June to Sunday 5 June. 

Pictures by me


Hearing From God

As we draw close to the end of the year, we’ll begin to reflect back on the past months, so the new year will be full of thanksgiving. Looking back, you’ll realise even in hard times, God has been faithful.

Year 2022 in few days.

Hearing from God is something that every christian should experience regularly. God constantly speaks to us to give us directions. We can’t miss out on guidance routes with God’s directions.

When we hear from God, we understand the processes of life stages better, because God sees the beginning and the end, so he shows life’s stages to us, and gives us a manual to overcome all obstacles.

Hearing from God to guide us through helps makes our lives better, hence we need to constantly hear from him to guide us in the new year.

In the bible, people who heard from God, were overcomers.
Samuel, Abraham, Moses. The story of Samuel is found in 1 Samuel 3:1-10.

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Exodus 19:9
The Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will come to you in a thick cloud, so that the people may hear when I speak with you and may also believe in you forever.” Then Moses told the words of the people to the Lord.

How to hear from God:

– Be close to God. Set your mind on Jesus. You can’t be thinking of doing something outside the word of God and still remain focus. 100% concentration is needed.

-Observe your quiet time, set aside a time for God, a time for prayers.

– Listen carefully to hear God’s voice.

– Wait in silence for God to speak after prayers.

– When God calls, respond, and obey him.

-Read the Bible, pray everyday if you want to grow in the Lord.

Acts 17:27

God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.


UK Living – Reality Of Living Abroad

Earlier this year, I watched a video where a lady left the UK to Nigeria to start a business. She believed her business was going to make more profit back home (Nigeria).

I’ve also spoken with few people, who said they prefer life back in their home countries.

What could be the reason behind their sudden change in plans? Most people come into the UK with big plans, why the sudden change to go back home?

Personally, I believe people have high expectations before arrival in the UK, and when things don’t go the way they expect, they start panicking.

Life generally comes with ups and downs, but the way we react to the suitations we face, determines how we’ll scale through.

I’ve shared some messages I got from people about life suitations abroad and how they feel. I got these messages when I once shared a post on my story on Instagram, and I got some messages from people who shared similar experiences. I’ve decided to share three messages I received with y’all.

Names have been changed for data protection.

Rose, from Belgium. Currently Living in London.

“I also felt like that when I moved to London for the first year, but then when I left because of work I realised that I actually had found lots of hapiness and a new family there. However, I had too many expectations to look at it properly.
I’m from Belgium. Lived in London and totally loved it but had to leave for work in Paris. However, Paris is not a city I ever really dreamt of but work opportunity was great. Yeah London is loneliness is real, but I feel like it’s the same in every big cities although once you meet people in London they’re usually quite nicer than in other cities haha”. (Back in London)

Oyin, From Nigeria currently living in the US.

“The major problem is that people have high hopes on obodo Oyinbo even before arriving.
They think it’s all rosy here especially coming from Africa. So when they come and realise it’s not all perfect abroad too, the hustle here the bills and the fact that loneliness here is on another level scares the hell outta them. They literally feel abroad is 100 percent okay, and hence the disappointment when they see the struggle here upon arrival”.

Davidson, from Nigeria. Currently Living in London.

Life here is boring. I don’t know why people are here. They spend most of their lives working and paying bills, doing less valuable jobs. Okay! They are making money yea, but the money goes back to the UK system. I don’t see myself living here permanently. I might just be shuffling between Nigeria and UK.

Finally, a little advice from Presh

If you just arrived in the UK, and you’re trying to find your balance, it might take a while, but keep your head up. You’ve got to find your own happiness, do what you love and be where you want, look beyond the present suitation and focus on why you’re at your present location. Draft out a plan and never leave God out of your decisions.

Please share your abroad experience below, we’ll love to read your story.